There’s a saying that “if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything”. Majorly this is used in reference to ideologies. However we can bring it closer and look at it through the lense of everyday living.
If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything could easily translate to “if you do not make a decision”; meaning, if you don’t take a stand for something in your life then most likely you going to be frayed by going in any and every direction, simply because you didn’t make a decision.
There are great benefits to deciding on something: In looking at your options and selecting one.
First of all That decision gives you peace of mind because it puts an end to the struggle of wondering which way to go.
Now you have a way to go, you have direction.
The indecisive state is a stressful one.
It erodes one’s peace of mind, leaving it in constant worry.
Making a decision puts an end to the worry.
Do you remember our time when you were faced with making a decision and you delayed?
Did you have peace in those moments?
The truth is no one can be at peace when the mind is in distress.
The best thing is to go with what you consider the best option. And if that isn’t so obvious go with the most pleasant possible outcome or the one with the list likely collateral damage.
Sometimes weighing the possible outcomes makes the decision easier.
Secondly making the actual decision means there is progress. One is no longer in the sizes and has taken a stand in a particular direction or for a particular idea.
This will encourage necessary steps and action to follow up on the decision made.
One is no longer stagnant or stuck.
One can only take action when they have decided in the favor of a particular plan or option.
Until the decision is made there can be no progress or growth.
Even if you end up making a mistake you can always correct whatever error and still progress.
Not making a decision however could create states of laziness and procrastination; and in no time everything around the issue or the person is at a standstill.
Thirdly, once a decision is made the mind gets into a resourceful state and begins to work out ways to actualize and fulfill that decision.
Until a concrete decision is made and a particular part chosen that part of the brain is not activated.
But once activated you find your brain flooding your mind with ideas and your creative juices start to flow.
Now your focus is not divided and the power of your attention ( which is no small deal) is set on moving your decision to its desired outcome or destination.
Let’s bring it a little closer home. Someone who has many entanglements will not be able to move forward in their relationship or romantic life.
They must decide on one person if they want to go forward. Until they do they will not be able to commit to anyone and nothing to themselves if they truly desire a real relationship.
However once they decide on one particular person all their attention is now focused on this person and in building a life with them.
The mind finds it easy to come up with ideas to solidify the bond and to grow it. And this yields beautiful results for them.
Fourthly, there is the harnessing of resources and this means huge results.
There are times that someone doesn’t decide in favor of one idea and spreads their resources, their time and their energy over all the options: thus reduceing the support to all of them and this can only mean that their results are weak at best if any at all.
Making a decision means all one’s resources are invested in that choice and this guarantees a more whole and intact outcome.
The outcome will be strong and undeniable compared with if the resources were spread thin.
If however you possess limitless resources then by all means spread as wide as you dare.
However, note that time and energy have their own limitations.
Be aware that once you truly decide and the mind locks on your decision something called synchronicity starts to happen.
You become more aware of opportunities connected to your choice once you have decided.
People who are like-minded will start showing up for you and also those who could support you in one way or another that wouldn’t have happened had you not made a decision.
An example of how this works is when you decide a particular automobile is the one you want to buy or it is your new favorite, suddenly you start seeing it everywhere and in your favorite color too.
This is because the brain is selective in the information it allows to stick and process and it does this to preserve the integrity of the mind.
Else that mind would run amuck with the volume of information it is bombarded with.
But making a decision in favor of something helps the brain to select information relating to the choice or choices and ignores unrelated data treating them as irrelevant.
Making a decision is very resourceful as it supports our well-being unreservedly. It empowers us and keeps us focused.
So if you are faced with options and are unwilling to choose you are doing yourself a huge disservice.
Decide fearlessly knowing that even if you get it wrong you can always amend your mistakes.
Nothing is cast in stone. Even if you are afraid, still make a decision and if you get it wrong make another decision on the next way forward.
That is what life is about: growth, learning and expansion.
Abidemi A Popoola
The Mobile Lighthouse
Hmmm!!! Even if you are afraid still make a decision….
You become more aware of opportunities connected to your choice when you have decided… Good one Abi! Cheers