Tuesday, March 4

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Sometimes to understand what something is we must first identify what it is not. Solitude is not loneliness though you must be alone to explore or experience it. It is not being neglected by others because they do not want to be in your company. Solitude involves a physical mental and emotional state of being. Solitude is when you not only accept to be by yourself but you enjoy it and have identified it as an important and empowering place to be.

Shutting out the noise:

The first thing that solitude does is to shut out all external noise. We can all agree that life on Earth is very loud. There’s noise coming at all from all over; sometimes it’s hard to catch our breath. There’s noise from family, friends, colleagues, neighbor’s the environment and now even the social media. Every single one vying for our attention. A lot of the time they are dragging us in opposite directions. This takes a heavy toll on our well-being. It leaves us confused, stressed out, stagnant, unproductive, unbalanced, disillusioned, overwhelmed, unsettled and living in utter chaos.

If we are not careful or mindful, the noise could drown out our very own voices or our lives. The noise could swallow or drain all our energy leaving us empty, drained and with nothing. Solitude is being able to silence the noise enough to hear our own self or the Divine. To hear and embrace one’s truest self is only enabled in the place of solitude. It’s allows you to get to know yourself. The noise has it’s allure but solitude is compelling once you have tasted it’s benefits.

Time for creativity:

Solitude gives you time to be creative. Creativity flows on restricted when one is alone. The times when you can think reflect and allow your mind to expand creating possibilities. Creative juices hardly flow when there is a noise. If you want to encourage your creativity find time to be by yourself without external noise.

Increase capacity for grounding:

Grounding is the art of being balanced mentally and emotionally. To be grounded one needs to get rid of distractions. Walker not be grown that when there’s so many things fighting for one’s attention. To be grounded you must have focus and this can only be achieved in solitude. Some forms of grounding are prayers or meditation and except it is a group activity, this is best done in solitude. Many great achievers have come out to testify that their greatest wins came after periods spent in solitude.

Making empowered decisions:

Spending time in solitude helps us to make improved in formed and powered decisions. We can all agree that making the most informed decision or the most empowered one is quite challenging when they are so many distractions. However when you take time to be by yourself to focus on the possible outcomes of a situation without other voices you are likely to arrive at the best possible decision. Making the most empowered decision for ourselves requires withdrawing from other people who may have ulterior motives to influence us. So taking the time away from anyone else helps us decide in favor of the outcome that we truly desire for ourselves.

A time for rest:

This time can be spent Would drawing from activities that are mentally and emotionally challenging. We can create this time intentionally to allow our minds and our hearts rest; when there are no expectations and we have no pressure. Taking the time to care for ourselves mentally and emotionally is actually life saving. It allows us time and space to de-stress by staying away from activities that are mentally and emotionally draining and from people who place demands on us. It allows us time to recoup our energy.

Solitude can be a beautiful thing indeed if we intentionally use the time to strengthen ourselves physically, emotionally and mentally. It is time so enjoy your own company and give yourself exactly what you need without feeling guilty. Remember you cannot continue to serve from emptyness. You must restore whatever virtue you’ve lost. Vehicle owners never wait for their vehicles to break down before they do the regular servicing; so this is you taking the time to service yourself without waiting for a breakdown. It’s okay to spend time with yourself you might discover what a great person you are.

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