Self-awareness leads to a powerful definition of self.
Giving answers to these questions (which are in no way exhaustive) increases your
self-awareness capacity and a more authentic definition and consequent expression of your
BEING GROUNDED is a benefit as well as evidence of self-awareness. As the word implies, it
means being solidly rooted. When something is grounded, then it is fixed firmly into it’s base and
cannot be easily moved or shaken easily, if at all.
This is an obvious trait of the self aware. You are so rooted in who you are that you aren’t easily
moved or swayed by people’s opinions or by circumstances.
You know who you are, what you believe about yourself and you stick with your beliefs.
You have become an observer instead of a reactor. Meaning no matter what is going on your
person isn’t altered.
A grounded person knows how anyone treats them is not on them. He will not react in kind to
provocation if it is negative or not in line with his own nature.
He will respond according to his own person no matter the trigger.
He knows when to say, ‘NO’. This is another trait of self-awareness: the ability to stop a situation
in good time.
Generally people get into trouble because they sometimes overcommit themselves to people
and causes.
They say, ‘yes’, when they ought to have issued an assertive ‘no’. They then get drained and
wearied out and sometimes actually jeopardise their wellbeing: mental/emotional and physical
If only they could say ‘no’ or had said ‘no’ at the right time.
A self-aware individual knows when they have had enough, or when they are getting close to
their limit and understands they owe themselves wellbeing.
A self-aware person is aware of this and is willing to preserve himself or themselves.
He acknowledges what does not support or align with his goals and desires; and is able to reject
them without the emotions of guilt or regret, even if others feel bad.
There are many instances when people already know they won’t be happy nor fulfilled going to
certain places or engaging in certain activities but they do it anyway to satisfy others; while they
are miserable.
They being miserable and unhappy puts their immune system in jeopardy.
Anything that makes you feel bad is bad for you.
NOT A PEOPLE PLEASER: The self-aware has evolved beyond people pleasing ( we’ve all
been there) to someone who has a mind of their own. And they are not afraid to exercise it.
They are unafraid to stand alone if they believe they are right or have found a worthy cause.
They are bold enough to be different.
The threat of being rejected by others doesn’t scare them.
They are very comfortable with asking themselves deep questions that many are unwilling to.
Questions such as
_What are my core beliefs?
_Have those beliefs served me?
_Are these really my beliefs or are they transferred?
_What do I want out of life?
_What beliefs do I need to have to truly experience the life that I really desire?
_What am I willing to give?
_How do I serve with my gift?
_Is this person being in my life truly for my good?
_Am I really adding value?
_Who should I be aligning myself with?
_Am I genuinely happy?
_Does this fulfil me?
What you think about yourself. How do you feel about yourself? What do you believe about
yourself and life?
What do you see or say about yourself?
All these contribute to one’s self image.
The self aware have a healthy self image. They possess contentment in who they are.
This doesn’t negate the place of ambition, however they handle themselves with kindness,
knowing that wherever they are, they are enough.
The accept that they are constantly expanding and choose positive and empowering expansion.
A healthy self image is very important. It doesn’t mean you see yourself as more than you are
but you objectively see yourself as ALL that you truly are.
What you are is a divine spiritual being having a human experience. You most definitely
shouldn’t see yourself as less than you are.
Sometimes challenges and unfavorable conditions can make anyone feel unworthy, but that’s
just what they are: mere huddles that we surmount.
And surmount we do: we must.
These conditions do not define us, however they reflect how we see ourselves.
That you are yet to experience the kind of success you desire doesn’t make you a failure.
It merely points to your tenacity and commitment to trying.
As long as you are putting in the work and you are showing up: YOU ARE DOING WELL.
NO COMPARISON: The self-aware person isn’t interested in comparing themselves with others.
That is a weakness of the lame underdeveloped mind, who are always looking to compare
themselves with others and end up either torturing themselves or filling themselves up with
notions of false grandiose.
Unlike the lame minds the self-aware understand that comparison is unnecessary because
every single human is different and as such none is a standard for another or for others.
They are conscious of the fact that they might be abundant in certain virtues, while lacking in
another. It is also established that their area of challenge could be where someone else is
So to compare is a frivolous exercise and unjust waste of time.
The self-aware accepts his strengths and focuses on them and the good he could be doing for
himself and for others.
He isn’t bothered about what others have or believe they have.
He harbours no ill feelings of jealousy or envy against anyone for whatever they are perceived
to possess.
He knows he isn’t here to be like anyone other than be himself; and being himself is enough.
It is self-awareness and awesomeness of others to know that it is a futile waste of time and
energy to dwell on the differences between one’s self and others.
What is the goal? To feel superior or to feel inadequate??
NON COMPETITIVE: It takes a self-aware person not to see anyone else as competition: they
do not see themselves in competition with anyone.
They are aware that each person is on their own personal path; and though paths may cross, it
is not for anyone to scramble for anything.
There could however be collaboration. There’s an understanding as well as an acceptance that
everyone will get what they deserve one way or another.
They also believe that if they are overlooked for something, it is merely because it didn’t belong
to them and that what is theirs will get to them regardless.
They refuse to be drawn into drudgery of hostility by seeing anyone else as co-contender for
position, materials or resources. They believe that when it is time to shine, they would and their
shine wouldn’t have to stop that of others.
Very aware that the success of another doesn’t translate to failure for them.
You must see yourself as worthy and deserving of good things and experiences.
The very fact that others are winning means it is a sure possibility for you.
The self-aware know all these and are consequently gentle with themselves and also with
They remain unmoved by people’s expectations. They already know that how others see or
perceive them depends on their own personal thought system.
People’s accolades or the lack of it is therefore inconsequential to them. While they are open to
and do review feedback,they do not internalise the emotions or opinions or views of others.
They know who they are, feel good about themselves, while according themselves the room to
continue to grow and elevate.
Self-awareness is a powerful tool, a game changer if you desire great success.
It is however indispensable if you desire a truly happy and fulfilling life.