Tuesday, March 4

SELF AWARENESS: Knowing your real self and being okay with it.

Knowing who you are at your core is very powerful, because it determines whether your life will be a success or a disaster.

Self awareness decides if you will have a fulfilling and meaningful life or if you would mostly be in distress, struggling to make your mark.

Self awareness is the result of having studied and defined who you choose to be, by yourself for yourself and not from pressure from others.

A self aware person has defined himself, isn’t easily swayed nor manipulated, has a mind if their own and has created a path for living their life.

They know what they want. But most importantly they understand why they want what they. While they may not always be very certain how to go about it. They refuse to take actions that are in outright opposition to their desires or goals.
You won’t find them going in any direction just for the fun of it or because others are doing it.

The self aware know their strengths and limitations: they have been very observant of their expressions, capacity and engagements.

They are very sure of their choices and certain of their decisions.
They live life on their own terms and don’t hold anyone other than themselves responsible even when disappointments occur.

Nor do they depend on external validation for them to thrive: they thrive regardless. Unlike many who lack self awareness and always have to be validated by others for them to feel whole.

We should know that one thing life respects and responds to favourably is CONSISTENCY.

The self aware person is very consistent with what they want, what their goals are; and are very sure of what they are asking life for.
They aren’t fickle minded nor flippant thinkers.

They are quite intentional with their thoughts as well as actions.

To be self aware, you must definitely know who you are, what you want and are focused on achieving your goals without being triggered by whatever others are doing or saying.

You don’t allow the opinions of others to sway you or move you from your single mindedness.

Self awareness is most definitely a super power.

It is so obvious that people have expectations of others based on what society determines or predetermines; and go ahead to fix labels on others.
They say and insist you must be a certain way, act or look a type of way, regardless of if it is what you want or who you’re choosing to be.
Or even if you are happy.

They don’t care. They simply want to squeeze your round self into their square hole, with no regard to your person or your preferences.

Many succumb to this pressure and live utterly miserable lives; and unfortunately join in enforcing the continuity of the abuse; because it is an abuse.

It is a form of abuse and it is time to talk about it.

However the self aware being is unbothered by the expectations and unmoved by the pressure.

They refuse to be labelled and only accept definitions that they themselves have created and claimed.
These are the truly happy people.

Those daring to be different.
Those blazing trails rather than walking well trodden paths.

Society could go further to blacklist them and tag them rebels. But they remain unshaken by the stigmatisation attempt.

In the end, they become the heroes and A-listers, recognised as wielding so much personal power that thwart the threat of society.

Society now doesn’t have a choice but to bow to their superior expressions.
These are people not afraid to walk alone.

They have discovered that the power they require for their lives is in the inside of them; and their allegiance is to that power.

SELF-AWARENESS helps you identify your gifts as well as gives you the boldness the share it with the world in the manner which is most comfortable for you.

It makes you willing to grow and to improve your proficiency, while still acknowledging that even right now, you are enough.

The awesomeness of others is also a result of self awareness. They know that they need others to win. They cannot build monuments all by themselves.

They acknowledge and validate the gifts in others and what others bring to the table.

They possess what is called, “awareness of others”. This gives them the capacity to understand others and how to live and work with them.

As with understanding themselves, they have self-schooled in the understanding of others: their temperaments, moods, limitations, triggers etc.

They respect people’s values and opinions, even when they don’t share them.

These set of humans are the most evolved. They never at anytime think that they or their views are superior to others.

They honour the multiplicity of life, knowledge and experiences.

There are no happier or more at peace beings than the self-aware. They don’t struggle with anything or anyone. They know when to allow and when to resist.

Nothing gives peace more than knowing that one is neither good nor bad, but you simply are and you aren’t in competition with anyone.


I salute you.

Sometimes the journey requires the assistance of a professional to help us uninstall previous programmings or to unlearn some behaviour that keeps us stuck.

To acknowledge the need for assistance is a great step towards growing in self-awareness proficiency. It is actually the most important step.

Remember you cannot truthfully know what you want without honesty knowing who you are.

Being self-aware like was stated previously is the awareness of your self: knowing who and what you are.

Being aware is to be in the knowledge or information: you are no longer in the dark concerning a matter. The matter in this case being you.

You are now enlightened about yourself.

It is important to note as we delve deeper that no one is actually 100% aware of themselves, because there’s more to every single person than meets the ordinary eye as we continue to evolve.

However we should have enough understanding of our very own selves to be able to dwell in society.

Self-awareness is a super power because you know your limits, can identify your triggers and can reing yourself in, if and when the arises and in good time.

You are the being that lives in this human mortal body and interacts through the body.

Have you ever taken time to observe yourself?

Funny question?

But you spend an ample amount of time observing others and sometimes obsessing over them.

Gross waste of time.

Being overly interested in others won’t get you anywhere except of course you are a journalist.

I am guessing you are not.

So it is time to turn the lens. Focus on yourself. Observe your very own self.

Ask yourself questions and give genuine responses.

What do I like? And why?

Where do I like to go? And why?

What are the things I enjoy? And why do I enjoy them?
What would I really love to have?
What do I enjoy having?
What thrills me?
What scares me? And why?
What type of partner do I want?

What is my sexuality?
Am I adventurous?
What am I adventurous with?
What foods do I like?
How would I prefer to respond to anger, criticism, or spite?
Am I an affectionate person?
What are my gifts?

What is my spirituality? And how would I choose to express myself given a choice?
What is my relationship with money?

What do I struggle with?
Do I like people?
What makes me laugh?
Am I humours? Do I like humour?
Do I think I am funny?
What is my pain threshold?
What is my elastic limit?

What are my deal breakers in a relationship?
How do I choose to express anger?
How affectionate am I?
How do I express love?
What are my love languages?


Self-awareness leads to a powerful definition of self.
Giving answers to these questions (which are in no way exhaustive) increases your self-awareness capacity and a more authentic definition and consequent expression of your SELF.

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